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Executes all steps to process an R package written in R Markdown format from source to installation in one go:

  1. Purl all relevant Rmd/*.Rmd files to R/*.gen.R files using purl_rmd().

  2. Re-generate the pkgdown reference index based on the package's main R Markdown file using gen_pkgdown_ref() (if gen_pkgdown_ref = TRUE).

  3. Re-build the package documentation using devtools::document() (if document = TRUE).

  4. Build and install the package (if build_and_install = TRUE). This is done either using rstudioapi::executeCommand(commandId = "buildFull") (if use_rstudio_api = TRUE) or using devtools::install() (if use_rstudio_api = FALSE).

  5. Restarts the R session using rstudioapi::restartSession() (if either restart_r_session = TRUE or use_rstudio_api = TRUE).


  path = ".",
  add_copyright_notice = pal::pkg_config_val("add_copyright_notice"),
  add_license_notice = pal::pkg_config_val("add_license_notice"),
  gen_pkgdown_ref = pal::pkg_config_val("gen_pkgdown_ref"),
  env = parent.frame(),
  document = TRUE,
  build_and_install = TRUE,
  restart_r_session = build_and_install,
  use_rstudio_api = NULL,
  quiet = TRUE,
  roclets = NULL,
  args = getOption("devtools.install.args"),
  dependencies = NA,
  upgrade = "never",
  keep_source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs")



Path to the root of the package directory.

Whether or not to add a copyright notice at the beginning of the generated .R files as recommended by e.g. the GNU licenses. The notice consists of the name and description of the program and the word Copyright (C) followed by the release years and the name(s) of the copyright holder(s), or if not specified, the author(s). The year is always the current year. All the other information is extracted from the package's DESCRIPTION file. A logical scalar. Only applies if path is actually an R package directory.


Whether or not to add a license notice at the beginning of the generated .R files as recommended by e.g. the GNU licenses. The license is determined from the package's DESCRIPTION file and currently only the AGPL-3.0-or-later license is supported. A logical scalar. Only applies if path is actually an R package directory.


Whether or not to overwrite pkgdown's reference index in the configuration file _pkgdown.yml with an auto-generated one based on the main input file as described in gen_pkgdown_ref(). A logical scalar. Only applies if path is actually an R package directory, pkgdown is set up and a main R Markdown file exists.


Environment to evaluate R Markdown inline code expressions in when generating the pkgdown reference index. Only relevant if gen_pkgdown_ref = TRUE.


Whether or not to re-build the package documentation after purling Rmd/*.Rmd to R/*.gen.R.


Whether or not to build and install the package after purling Rmd/*.Rmd to R/*.gen.R.


Whether or not to restart the R session. Highly recommended if build_and_install = TRUE, but only possible when R is run within RStudio. Note that the R session is always restarted if use_rstudio_api = TRUE.


Whether or not to rely on the RStudio API to install the built package (which always triggers an R session restart regardless of restart_r_session). If NULL, the RStudio API is automatically used if possible, i.e. RStudio is running. Note that installation without the RStudio API has known issues, see section Details below for further information.


Whether or not to suppress printing status output from internal processing.


Character vector of roclet names to use with package. The default, NULL, uses the roxygen roclets option, which defaults to c("collate", "namespace", "rd").


An optional character vector of additional command line arguments to be passed to R CMD INSTALL. This defaults to the value of the option "devtools.install.args".


Which dependencies do you want to check? Can be a character vector (selecting from "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", or "Enhances"), or a logical vector.

TRUE is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo" and "Suggests". NA is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports" and "LinkingTo" and is the default. FALSE is shorthand for no dependencies (i.e. just check this package, not its dependencies).

The value "soft" means the same as TRUE, "hard" means the same as NA.

You can also specify dependencies from one or more additional fields, common ones include:

  • Config/Needs/website - for dependencies used in building the pkgdown site.

  • Config/Needs/coverage for dependencies used in calculating test coverage.


Should package dependencies be upgraded? One of "default", "ask", "always", or "never". "default" respects the value of the R_REMOTES_UPGRADE environment variable if set, and falls back to "ask" if unset. "ask" prompts the user for which out of date packages to upgrade. For non-interactive sessions "ask" is equivalent to "always". TRUE and FALSE are also accepted and correspond to "always" and "never" respectively.


If TRUE will keep the srcrefs from an installed package. This is useful for debugging (especially inside of RStudio). It defaults to the option "keep.source.pkgs".


path, invisibly.


Note that the installation via devtools::install() (i.e. use_rstudio_api = FALSE) is known to fail in certain situations (lazy-load database corruption) due to unresolved deficiencies in R's namespace unloading. If you encounter an error, simply restart the R session and try again.

This function is registered as an RStudio add-in, allowing RStudio users to assign a custom shortcut to it and to invoke it from the command palette.

See also

Other high-level functions: lint_rmd(), load_pkg(), purl_rmd(), run_nopurl_rmd()