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Executes the steps to load an R package written in R Markdown format in one go:

  1. Purl all relevant Rmd/*.Rmd files to R/*.gen.R files using purl_rmd().

  2. Loads the package using devtools::load_all().


  path = ".",
  add_copyright_notice = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "add_copyright_notice", pkg =
    this_pkg, default = TRUE),
  add_license_notice = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "add_license_notice", pkg = this_pkg,
    default = TRUE),
  gen_pkgdown_ref = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "gen_pkgdown_ref", pkg = this_pkg, default
    = FALSE),
  reset = TRUE,
  recompile = FALSE,
  export_all = TRUE,
  helpers = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE,



Path to the root of the package directory.

Whether or not to add a copyright notice at the beginning of the generated .R files as recommended by e.g. the GNU licenses. The notice consists of the name and description of the program and the word Copyright (C) followed by the release years and the name(s) of the copyright holder(s), or if not specified, the author(s). The year is always the current year. All the other information is extracted from the package's DESCRIPTION file. A logical scalar. Only applies if path is actually an R package directory.


Whether or not to add a license notice at the beginning of the generated .R files as recommended by e.g. the GNU licenses. The license is determined from the package's DESCRIPTION file and currently only the AGPL-3.0-or-later license is supported. A logical scalar. Only applies if path is actually an R package directory.


Whether or not to overwrite pkgdown's reference index in the configuration file _pkgdown.yml with an auto-generated one based on the main input file as described in gen_pkgdown_ref(). A logical scalar. Only applies if path is actually an R package directory, pkgdown is set up and a main R Markdown file exists.


clear package environment and reset file cache before loading any pieces of the package. This largely equivalent to running unload(), however the old namespaces are not completely removed and no .onUnload() hooks are called. Use reset = FALSE may be faster for large code bases, but is a significantly less accurate approximation.


DEPRECATED. force a recompile of DLL from source code, if present. This is equivalent to running pkgbuild::clean_dll() before load_all


If TRUE (the default), export all objects. If FALSE, export only the objects that are listed as exports in the NAMESPACE file.


if TRUE loads testthat test helpers.


if TRUE suppresses output from this function.


Additional arguments passed to pkgload::load_all().


path, invisibly.

See also

Other high-level functions: lint_rmd(), process_pkg(), purl_rmd(), run_nopurl_rmd()